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Music Royalties Explained Mariah Carey Royalties Copyright Lawyer

Imagine making around 60 million dollars in royalties from a song that you create, just one one song? Just One not two not three just one song?

I will be helping you figure out the IP process along the way how much money does Mariah Carry Me In royalties from her song “All I want for Christmas” this is a copyright issue that I wanted to talk to you about now that we’re coming into the holidays and it is unbelievable that she could make this much money I gave you a hint at the very beginning of this blogpost but we’re gonna break that down and see what that actually looks like one hit is all it took Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas has hit the Billboard 100 around at least around three times and it didn’t happen until like 25 years after she wrote the song.

So imagine sitting on a song thinking that oh okay it’s a good song and then in 25 years and after that it hits the billboard 100 not once but twice and then it goes on to be streamed at least a billion times on Spotify I mean imagine that one billion times on Spotify if I was a singer the first question I would be asking myself is how in the world am I going to make my song a hit so that I am making that kind of royalty money every single year without having to lift a foot so you lift the foot one time you make an amazing hit you partner with somebody you co-write the song.

Somebody writes the lyrics and then you can include The Melodies I mean however you want to piece this song together you stand to make a good chunk of money from royalties if you do a kick-ass job so this begs the question how much does that actually break down to per year okay well according to some sources she’s making at least two and a half million dollars every year from All I want for Christmas what more could you want for Christmas in 2023 if you’re making two and a half million dollars from one song and these royalties that she’s made are only for stream so every time the song plays she makes approximately one cent per play so in this case what kind of royalties are we talking about?

We are talking about mechanical royalties because this is a song that is going to be streamed either on you know on like Spotify or Pandora or something like that or it’s being played on the radio so these are mechanical royalties we’re talking about here so every time a song is streamed or downloaded she makes you know money per stream or per download so if you are an aspiring musician and you want your song to go viral what should you do?

Should you copyright it or not so if you want to be sure that you’re given your fair chance of you know also receiving royalties for your copyrighted works? you have to make sure that your work is you guessed it copyrighted so where are you going to go to copyright your music you’re going to go to and there there’s a very easy process to follow and if you don’t feel confident doing that you can contact me and I’d be more than happy to help you.

But you want to make sure that your work is copyrighted having a hit song means that you can make money in a variety of ways but I can tell you that having a mechanical license and receiving money in such a passive way will probably be one of the most enjoyable benefits of having copyrighted your music now don’t think that just because you write a song you put it out there and it gets streamed a couple of times that you’re going to become a millionaire? No, no that’s not the way it works but you do want to set yourself up in a way that you can prepare yourself to make passive income in the event that your song goes viral.

So just for context here, Mariah Carey is one of the top 15 best selling artists of all time so if you can make it there then I am rooting for you trust me but you have to start somewhere and just like she did you want to make sure that you copyright your music if you want to understand a little bit more about the copyright process and what copyright infringement could possibly mean then make sure to check out this video right here which I put together for you and it is also copyright related.

But it’s a good continuation to this video if you want to keep learning about copyrights what I find most interesting about this process is that it took Mariah Carey about an hour or under to create this song, So when Tommy Matola was her manager he encouraged her to write a song that was going to be completely unique to her Christmas album he didn’t want her to just sing the standard Christmas songs that we all know he wanted her to create something unique and that she did now Mariah Carey has also told the outlets that she created this song on a cheap Casio keyboard.

So I want to encourage you guys to create music in whatever capacity you can like I said before you don’t have to start off as an expert in my art blog which I created just a few months ago, I let you guys know that there was an insecurity that I had if you want to know what it is, you have to catch the video but I created um this equality wrench this art bench that went on to be displayed on rim Road here in my town of El Paso and it is now being featured in the international Museum of Art.

Now I’m not telling you all this because I’m trying to soot my own hormone I am telling you this so that you know that you don’t have to be an expert when you start. You don’t have to have the best resources now if you’ve watched other videos of mine before you also know that I tell you that if you want to start a business you don’t have to have the most expensive equipment as a YouTuber, you don’t have to go out and buy an expensive camera you can use your iPhone camera you don’t have to go out and buy spotlights you can just use the Sun as it streams through your window you don’t even have to have a stand I know that a couple of YouTubers have stacked books upon books to get to you know a place where they could just lean their phone and record so you catch my drift?

You don’t have to have the most expensive fancy equipment you can get started with what you have right now and that goes for music as well you don’t have to have fancy expensive equipment perhaps you don’t even have to be in a recording studio this could be your first song and it could be a hit like I said Mariah Carey wrote this song in under one hour and if you can challenge yourself to create something really really cool and force yourself to do it then you might surprise yourself and come out winning big.


So my take home for all of you is that you need to get started today challenge yourself to create something new something that’s going to be a hit and you don’t have to spend forever doing it and you don’t have to do it with fancy expensive equipment either so if this video left you wondering if you are in the right position to keep creating music then I hope I encouraged you because that is a lot of passive money she is making if you need my help with any copyright issues make sure you scroll down into the description below and I’d be more than happy to help don’t forget to catch this video right here if you want to learn more about the copyright Journey
